
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Aperitivo: A look at my favorite restaurant in Venice

There is a little restaurant, right on the water, that my friends and I go to when we are sick of the places that take our Day, or more affectionately known as our Kangaroo dollars.  They are our meal plan tickets that get us far, but sometimes not far enough.  They get us food at:
1.  the Mensa, which is the cafeteria on the island.  Lets just say the Mensa is not worth real money.... it is for some reason, measurably better at lunch and dinner seems to be whatever is left over.
2. the Cafe, which has coffee, brioche in the morning, panini at lunch, and ice cream whenever.
Its pretty decent, but only open until 5pm and doesn't give change for meal plan money (Kangaroos)
3. cafe's in Venice, a lot of little panini shops take our kanga's, but they are not always excellent...not that there is bad food in Venice, but I have become a bit of a snob. (Prolly bodes badly for my return to the states)
4. AeOche, lovingly referred to as the Applebees or Chillis of Venice. Super-americanized, big, cheap and absolutely delicious.  They also give free tap water, which is not usually the case here.
5. The secret Upstairs, we have gotten to the point where we do not know the names of the restaurants... the secret upstairs is thus named because it has a few tables downstairs, but also a secret room upstairs that we were shown on our 1st day in Venice.
6. The Tortellini place, a pricier restaurant that has, you guessed it, really good tortellini.  It was previously referred to as the angry waiter restaurant, but on our second visit they accidentally hit our friend Nick on the head with the bread basket and suddenly turned into funny, if not friendly waiters, who wave whenever we pass.

There are a few others, but these are the main 6.  And believe me after a few months, 6 restaurants is not enough.  So we also go to this little restaurant on the water that I previously alluded to.... it is the Venetian version of heaven on earth.

Basically, it is a bar with tables and chairs and a little old man who plays live piano and takes requests from little old women.  At this bar, from 6pm to 8:30 you can buy a 4 euro drink and enjoy free homemade antipasti that usually consists of crostini with cheese, risotto, and some sort of pasta dish. All delicious, and all free.  The best part of Remmer, however, is the view.  You can sit outside with your spritz (or drink of choice) and plastic plate and watch the sunset behind the Rialto.  It never fails to give me the strong impression that I actually live here.  In this beautifully ancient city sinking into the water that supports it.

And so I finish my poetic procrastination with a few pictures taken from San Servolo of a sunset over a settling city.

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